Prepping and Presenting your Home for Sale

Presenting your home to the market is the crucial first step in getting your home sold. Here are a few simple steps could add thousands of dollars to your sale price.

1. Make the decision you are going to sell: This may seem obvious, but selling a home is a commitment, especially right now. Once you have committed to selling, you will do whatever it takes to keep your home in show and sell condition.

2. Have a ‘Zero Emotion’ de-cluttering party. This is when your Realtor, Home Stager or friend with a descending eye can really help you out. You have pictures, trinkets, and momentous throughout your house. Some of these things will add to the vibe of your home, others may not be so helpful. Go through your house and anything you don’t NEED; pack it up.

3. Clean. Clean. Clean. We are talking showhome spotless, but not sterile. From the top of the fridge to door jams and light switches, everything needs to be clean and fresh. Ask your Realtor for a list of companies that offer ‘move-out’ cleans and take advantage of discounted rates if you want some professional cleaning help.

4. Let’s talk about how your house smells: fresh and clean are the keys here. You may love burning oils or plug-in air fresheners, but it’s not everyone’s taste. Pet odors can be a huge turnoff, especially for non-pet owners or people with allergies. So, let’s make sure litter boxes, dog towels, etc. are clean and out of the way.

5. Buy Fresh Flowers: Fresh cut flowers not only make your home smell wonderful but add a pop of colour. Pro Tip: Go somewhere like Costco where they sell larger bouquets and dived it into two or three arrangements around your house (think dining room, master bedroom, foyer, powder room, etc)

6. Trust a professional: Most Realtors will bring a professional photographer in to take photos and hopefully a 3D tour of your home. A great photographer has a discerning eye and knows how to present your home (online and in print) in the very best light. Trust their judgement and don’t get offended if they want to move something out of the shot.