April 2022

April 2022 is a wrap and while things seem to have calmed (a bit) from March’s all-time record in sales the market is still incredibly active and competition is fierce.

Cruising into Spring/Summer ‘22 here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • If you’re Selling a Home: Pin-point pricing and crystal clear marketing are vital. If a home is on the market 21 days, chances are it’s overpriced. If it’s not overpriced chances are the marketing isn’t telling the right story and attracting the right potential buyers.
  • If you’re Buying a Home: Be patient and don’t settle but be ready to make a move very quickly. Have your financing ready and your broker standing by. Do your research on the neighbourhoods you are searching in; the schools, amenities, hoa, bus routes and anything else that is important to you so when your find the right one there is no need to hesitate.
  • If you’re a Realtor: Find the joy in the insanity. This job is by pretty fun, we literally show houses to cool people and pitch listings all day then negotiate offers all night. If you aren’t having fun call me, I’ll tell you what you’re doing wrong.

Craig Rushton | The Bannard Rushton Group at Century 21 Bamber Realty Ltd